Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I would so very much like to write some extremely hateful things in this post but alas I cannot. I'm sure you've seen my photos of "The four agreements" bangles. The agreement I work on the most is "Don’t Take Anything Personally." Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. I fell victim today and had to turn up the volume on that particular agreement.
I was told of some unpleasant things someone said about me. I hardly know this person. In fact I've only been in her presence once. I don't get it. I needed more help so I read this. "Although we already have some degree of compassion, at present it is very biased and limited. When our family and friends are suffering we easily develop compassion for them, but we find it far more difficult to feel sympathy for people we find unpleasant or for strangers."
I'm trying to have compassion for this person. This bitter, sad, mean hearted person. See there, I just failed again. It takes practice, lots and lots of practice. I vow to meditate more and focus on unconditional compassion this year. I'm vowing right now to not think of how I can get my revenge on this...........person.


Casey said...

I am so sorry for what ever this person said or did to you Shelly! Always know that your are a kind, generous, giving and loving person. You have touched the hearts of so many people...most of all mine! Your friendship is a beautiful gift that so many people treasure! Don't allow anything this heartless person said to hurt the beauty the is within you. I send you much love and many hugs dear friend.


Theia said...

I stumbled onto your blog and had to comment on this: "Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream." Thank you for that reminder. I have a mean-spirited, small, selfish, horrid person in my life too. She has hurt me in so many ways, and I am having a hard time letting it go. She invades my dreams, my thoughts when I'm running on the trails, and my world more often than she deserves to.

Maybe your words can help me realize that her issues are HERS. Maybe I can stop blaming myself for her insecurities and venom and start realizing that I have no control over what she thinks or says about me. Maybe, just maybe, I can let it go.

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