Wednesday, June 9, 2010


One of my best friends daughter graduated from High School and this is a picture of all us girls at the graduation party. It was a fun party. Look at us with our tans. Look a little closer at my chin (I'm second from the left). I arrived at the party about an hour after I had surgery to remove skin cancer from my chin. I had squamous cell carcinoma. It started as a little pink pimple that didn't go away for three months. Out of pure vanity I went to a dermatologist and had it removed. It was biopsied and came back positive. I'll spare you the details of the surgery but I will say it was very intense for such a small bump. The nurse put a huge maxi pad of a bandage on my face before I left and my husband was mad at me for taking it off when I got home. I was supposed to leave in on for 24 hours. I couldn't got to a party looking like that, not that the two band aids made me look much better. I was also not supposed to have alcohol but after the day I had I couldn't wait for that margarita, another thing my husband was mad about. He finally said "your on your own." I love him. Be careful people! Wear at least 50 spf. I love the sun but it's spray tan from here on out.

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