Sunday, November 8, 2009


Yeah, yeah, yeah I sold jewelry this weekend but what I would really like to talk about is.....

THE KISSING BOOTH!!! For a donation you could kiss a Frenchie. There were some English bulldogs there to but you know my fascination with all things French.

This is Nika waiting patiently for her turn to give out the french kisses. I have to admit I did cheat on Miglet when I kissed Miss Nika. Someday I might come clean but not while Maggies allergies are so bad. I don't want to add insult to injury. ( I know I sound like a freak).

Friday night was the fund raiser for Juvenal Diabetes Foundation. There were so many people that came dressed up in there western best. This is my friend Debra that really scored with this number she borrowed from her daughter.

Kim came with picnic basket in tow filled with crackers, breads and cheeses and three bottles of champagne. We ate and drank illegally on the closed down street. I felt like Billy the Kid and Kim was Jesse James. Really Sheriff, you want us to pour out our hooch? Make my day!

Dan and Kristen Alber put on another fabulous event. It raised money for a good cause close to their hearts and we all had such a good time doing it. Cheers to you Dan and Kristen.

My good friend and booth partner Minnie and I shared a space again on Saturday and we sold our little hearts out. She's such good company. (you too Sharon)!!

A blessed event occurred for me on Friday night. I was able to speak to Christian and Stephanie Nielson. I was beside myself when she said she remembered me from the meetings we attended when Blissful Living was in its beginning stages. She was the yoga instructor and I the jewelry teacher. I had never met Christian but I felt like I already knew him from Stephanies blog. The two of them are so genuine and peaceful in their demeanor, I honestly believe you are born that way. One can strive to be more like that and that is admirable but to be born with the spirit these two have is truly a gift.

I want to thank Janine, Ruth, Sandy, Sue, Debra, Kim, Neve and Sharon for coming out as well. For some reason I either don't have a picture of them or they didn't turn out very well. And thanks mom for stopping by !!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HOW TOTALLY AWESOME IS EVERYTHING! Shelly you truly have an amazing and blessed talent!!!



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