Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I can't tell you how pleased I was to see that Martha Stuart lets her dogs walk on her kitchen counter. I can't do that because it makes me nervous that they're going to fall off but we do allow them to sit at the table. It's such a crack up. One night I had bunco at my house and I was sitting at one of the tables with three other crazy dog lovers, Maggie was on my lap and she decided to get up on the table, the funny part is no one at the table cared in the least. Mollie, Christy, Debra and I let her go from one to the other sniffing for goodies. When my Shih-Tzu Hercules died I was a mess. I cried non stop for a week then every other day for months. My friend Kim sent me a card that said "The one best place to bury your dog is in the heart of his master" so I made a bracelet for myself with that saying on it. I've got a few buried in my heart and each time you think that's enough, no more but then you start to feel that empty space that only a dog can fill and you get another one and you fall in love again.

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